This service allows companies to submit an application online, on the
online portal of the Ministry of Culture to obtain License to
Operate Advertising and Public Relations Activity for Companies
With the aim of designing advertisements and promoting the marketing
of specific goods or services, conducting advertising campaigns and
managing public relations activities.
.License Duration: one year
License Issuance : 5.000 Qatari Ryal
License Renewal : 5.000 Qatari Ryal
Re-issue Request: 5.000 Qatari Ryal
Edit License Data : No Fees needed
LicenseTransfer ownership : No Fees needed
License Cancel : No Fees needed
. The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
. Submission is available for Companies or through an authorized signatory
.Submission is available for Governmental agencies or through an authorized signatory
QID Scan of the License Owner and partners
QID Scan of Responsible Manager
(Certificate of trade name preservation (In Case Of New Request
A study of the business that the company will undertake, signed by the owner of the company or the person authorized to sign
.(with the company's seal (In Case Of New Or Re-issue Request
(Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a delegate or authorized to sign (Optional
(Copy of the commercial registration (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
( Copy of the municipality's license (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the establishment card (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the lease contract (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(The decision to establish the company (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
(Disclosure of the heads of the Board of Directors (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
This service allows companies to submit an application online, on the online portal of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, to obtain License to Operate Artistic Production Activity for Companies who want to conduct business related to media activities apply for the issuance of a license to produce programs, radio and television series and plays, and to market this production inside or outside the country, and this includes every activity to produce innovative works in the field of literature, arts or science, regardless of the
.physical image in which that production appears
.License Duration: one year
License Issuance : 5.000 Qatari Ryal
License Renewal : 5.000 Qatari Ryal
Re-issue Request: 5.000 Qatari Ryal
Edit License Data : No Fees needed
LicenseTransfer ownership : No Fees needed
License Cancel : No Fees needed
. The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
. Submission is available for Companies or through an authorized signatory
.Submission is available for Governmental agencies or through an authorized signatory
QID Scan of the License Owner and partners
QID Scan of Responsible Manager
(Certificate of trade name preservation (In Case Of New Request
A study of the business that the company will undertake, signed by the owner of the company or the person authorized to sign
.(with the company's seal (In Case Of New Or Re-issue Request
(Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a delegate or authorized to sign (Optional
(Copy of the commercial registration (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
( Copy of the municipality's license (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the establishment card (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the lease contract (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(The decision to establish the company (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
(Disclosure of the heads of the Board of Directors (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
This service allows companies to submit an application online, on the online portal of the Ministry of Culture to obtain License to Operate Artistic Works Activity for Companies to issue a license to import, export, sell and distribute audio or visual
.License Duration: one year
License Issuance : 2500 Qatari Ryal
License Renewal :2500 Qatari Ryal
Re-issue Request: 2500 Qatari Ryal
Edit License Data : No Fees needed
LicenseTransfer ownership : No Fees needed
License Cancel : No Fees needed
. The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
. Submission is available for Companies or through an authorized signatory
.Submission is available for Governmental agencies or through an authorized signatory
QID Scan of the License Owner and partners
QID Scan of Responsible Manager
(Certificate of trade name preservation (In Case Of New Request
(Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a delegate or authorized to sign (Optional
(Copy of the commercial registration (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
( Copy of the municipality's license (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the establishment card (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the lease contract (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(The decision to establish the company (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
(Disclosure of the heads of the Board of Directors (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
This service allows companies to submit an application online, on the online portal of the Ministry of Culture to obtain License to Operate Importation Activity for Companies to obtain a license to import, export or distribute publications
.License Duration: one year
License Issuance : 1500 Qatari Ryal
License Renewal : 1500 Qatari Ryal
Re-issue Request: 1500 Qatari Ryal
Edit License Data : No Fees needed
LicenseTransfer ownership : No Fees needed
License Cancel : No Fees needed
. The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
. Submission is available for Companies or through an authorized signatory
.Submission is available for Governmental agencies or through an authorized signatory
QID Scan of the License Owner and partners
QID Scan of Responsible Manager
A valid bank guarantee of 3000 riyals after approval of the application
(Certificate of trade name preservation (In Case Of New Request
(Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a delegate or authorized to sign (Optional
(Copy of the commercial registration (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
( Copy of the municipality's license (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the establishment card (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the lease contract (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(The decision to establish the company (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
(Disclosure of the heads of the Board of Directors (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
This service allows companies to submit an application online, on the online portal of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, to obtain License to Operate Commercial Printer Activity for Companies
For the purpose of owning, investing, or managing a commercial printing press by Law No. (8) Of 1979 regarding publications and
.License Duration: one year
License Issuance : 2500 Qatari Ryal
License Renewal : 2500 Qatari Ryal
Re-issue Request: 2500 Qatari Ryal
Edit License Data : No Fees needed
LicenseTransfer ownership : No Fees needed
License Cancel : No Fees needed
. The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
. Submission is available for Companies or through an authorized signatory
.Submission is available for Governmental agencies or through an authorized signatory
QID Scan of the License Owner and partners
QID Scan of Responsible Manager
(Certificate of trade name preservation (In Case Of New Request
(Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a delegate or authorized to sign (Optional
(Copy of the commercial registration (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
( Copy of the municipality's license (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the establishment card (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the lease contract (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(The decision to establish the company (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
(Disclosure of the heads of the Board of Directors (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
This service allows companies to submit an application online, on the online portal of the Ministry of Culture to obtain License to Operate Small Printer Activity for Companies for advertising purposes, which includes printing advertisements, posters, informational flyers, calendars, diaries, business cards, and wedding cards, smart cards, printing correspondence papers, commercial
.stationery and bills
.License Duration: one year
License Issuance : 2500 Qatari Ryal
License Renewal : 2500 Qatari Ryal
Re-issue Request: 2500 Qatari Ryal
Edit License Data : No Fees needed
LicenseTransfer ownership : No Fees needed
License Cancel : No Fees needed
. The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
. Submission is available for Companies or through an authorized signatory
.Submission is available for Governmental agencies or through an authorized signatory
QID Scan of the License Owner and partners
QID Scan of Responsible Manager
(Certificate of trade name preservation (In Case Of New Request
(Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a delegate or authorized to sign (Optional
(Copy of the commercial registration (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
( Copy of the municipality's license (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the establishment card (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the lease contract (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(The decision to establish the company (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
(Disclosure of the heads of the Board of Directors (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
This service allows companies to submit an application online, on the online portal of the Ministry of Culture to obtain a Publishing House license to establish, manage or invest in a publishing house, in accordance with
Law No. (8) of 1979 regarding publications and publishing
.License Duration: one year
License Issuance : 1500 Qatari Ryal
License Renewal : 1500 Qatari Ryal
Re-issue Request: 1500 Qatari Ryal
Edit License Data : No Fees needed
LicenseTransfer ownership : No Fees needed
License Cancel : No Fees needed
. The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
. Submission is available for Companies or through an authorized signatory
.Submission is available for Governmental agencies or through an authorized signatory
QID Scan of the License Owner and partners
QID Scan of Responsible Manager
(Certificate of trade name preservation (In Case Of New Request
A study of the business that the company will undertake, signed by the owner of the company or the person authorized to sign
.(with the company's seal (In Case Of New Or Re-issue Request
(Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a delegate or authorized to sign (Optional
(Copy of the commercial registration (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
( Copy of the municipality's license (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the establishment card (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the lease contract (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(The decision to establish the company (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
(Disclosure of the heads of the Board of Directors (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
This service allows companies to submit an application online, on the online portal of the Ministry of Culture, to obtain License to Operate Office to provide information services Activity for Companies to obtain a license to establish a media services office, through the e-services portal of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, which acts as a media mediator in the country who prepares news or media issues that are distributed to newspapers, magazines and news agencies inside and outside the country
.License Duration: one year
License Issuance : 1500 Qatari Ryal
License Renewal : 1500 Qatari Ryal
Re-issue Request: 1500 Qatari Ryal
Edit License Data : No Fees needed
LicenseTransfer ownership : No Fees needed
License Cancel : No Fees needed
. The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
. Submission is available for Companies or through an authorized signatory
.Submission is available for Governmental agencies or through an authorized signatory
QID Scan of the License Owner and partners
QID Scan of Responsible Manager
(Certificate of trade name preservation (In Case Of New Request
A study of the business that the company will undertake, signed by the owner of the company or the person authorized to sign
.(with the company's seal (In Case Of New Or Re-issue Request
(Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a delegate or authorized to sign (Optional
(Copy of the commercial registration (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
( Copy of the municipality's license (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the establishment card (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the lease contract (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(The decision to establish the company (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
(Disclosure of the heads of the Board of Directors (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
This service allows companies to submit an application online, on the online portal of the Ministry of Culture , to obtain License to Operate Sell Publications Activity for Companies to obtain a license to sell and distribute publications through authorized distributors in the country
.License Duration: one year
License Issuance : 1500 Qatari Ryal
License Renewal : 1500 Qatari Ryal
Re-issue Request: 1500 Qatari Ryal
Edit License Data : No Fees needed
LicenseTransfer ownership : No Fees needed
License Cancel : No Fees needed
. The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
. Submission is available for Companies or through an authorized signatory
.Submission is available for Governmental agencies or through an authorized signatory
QID Scan of the License Owner and partners
QID Scan of Responsible Manager
(Certificate of trade name preservation (In Case Of New Request
(Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a delegate or authorized to sign (Optional
(Copy of the commercial registration (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
( Copy of the municipality's license (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the establishment card (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the lease contract (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(The decision to establish the company (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
(Disclosure of the heads of the Board of Directors (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
This service allows companies to submit an application online, on the online portal of the Ministry of Culture to obtain License to Operate studios Activity for Companies to submit an online license application for artistic studios to manage (create and open) a sound, visual, and sound effect studio in the country.
.License Duration: one year
License Issuance : 1500 Qatari Ryal
License Renewal : 1500 Qatari Ryal
Re-issue Request: 1500 Qatari Ryal
Edit License Data : No Fees needed
LicenseTransfer ownership : No Fees needed
License Cancel : No Fees needed
. The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
. Submission is available for Companies or through an authorized signatory
.Submission is available for Governmental agencies or through an authorized signatory
QID Scan of the License Owner and partners
QID Scan of Responsible Manager
(Certificate of trade name preservation (In Case Of New Request
A study of the business that the company will undertake, signed by the owner of the company or the person authorized to sign
.(with the company's seal (In Case Of New Or Re-issue Request
(Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a delegate or authorized to sign (Optional
(Copy of the commercial registration (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
( Copy of the municipality's license (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the establishment card (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the lease contract (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(The decision to establish the company (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
(Disclosure of the heads of the Board of Directors (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
This service allows companies to submit an application online, on the online portal of the Ministry of Culture to obtain License to Operate Cinema Theaters Activity for Companies to obtain a license to operate and manage movie theaters.
.License Duration: one year
License Issuance : 25.000 Qatari Ryal
License Renewal : 25.000 Qatari Ryal
Re-issue Request: 25.000 Qatari Ryal
Edit License Data : No Fees needed
LicenseTransfer ownership : No Fees needed
License Cancel : No Fees needed
. The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
. Submission is available for Companies or through an authorized signatory
.Submission is available for Governmental agencies or through an authorized signatory
QID Scan of the License Owner and partners
QID Scan of Responsible Manager
(Certificate of trade name preservation (In Case Of New Request
A study of the business that the company will undertake, signed by the owner of the company or the person authorized to sign
.(with the company's seal (In Case Of New Or Re-issue Request
(Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a delegate or authorized to sign (Optional
(Copy of the commercial registration (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
( Copy of the municipality's license (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the establishment card (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the lease contract (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(The decision to establish the company (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
(Disclosure of the heads of the Board of Directors (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
This service allows companies to submit an application online, on the online portal of the Ministry of Culture, to obtain License to Operate Press Card Activity for Companies to license a newspaper, magazine, or publication that is issued with the same name periodically on regular or irregular times, including news, press and media reports, and there is an editor-in-chief
.License Duration: one year
License Issuance
Monthly magazine publication: 4,000 QR
Weekly magazine press publication: 4,000 QR
Press publication half-monthly magazine: 4,000 QR
Press publication quarterly magazine - 3 months: 4,000 QR
Press publication half-annual magazine: 4,000 QR
Annual magazine press publication: 4,000 QR
Press publication weekly newspaper: 4,000 QR
Press publication Daily newspaper: 4,000 QR
Electronic press publication: 1500 QR
License Renewal
Monthly magazine press publication: 4,000 QR
Weekly magazine press publication: 4,000 QR
Press publication half-monthly magazine: 4,000 QR
Press publication quarterly magazine - 3 months: 4,000 QR
Press publication half-annual magazine: 4,000 QR
Annual magazine press publication: 4,000 QR
Press publication Weekly newspaper: 4,000 QR
Press publication, daily newspaper: 4,000 QR
Electronic press publication: 1500 QR
Re-issue Request
Monthly magazine publication: 4,000 QR
Weekly magazine press publication: 4,000 QR
Press publication half-monthly magazine: 4,000 QR
Press publication quarterly magazine - 3 months: 4,000 QR
Press publication half-annual magazine: 4,000 QR
Annual magazine press publication: 4,000 QR
Press publication weekly newspaper: 4,000 QR
Press publication Daily newspaper: 4,000 QR
Electronic press publication: 1500 QR
Edit License Data : No Fees needed
LicenseTransfer ownership : No Fees needed
License Cancel : No Fees needed
. The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
. Submission is available for Companies or through an authorized signatory
.Submission is available for Governmental agencies or through an authorized signatory
QID Scan of the License Owner and partners
QID Scan of Responsible Manager
A valid bank guarantee of 2000 riyals after approval of the application
(Certificate of trade name preservation (In Case Of New Request
A study of the business that the company will undertake, signed by the owner of the company or the person authorized to sign
.(with the company's seal (In Case Of New Or Re-issue Request
(Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a delegate or authorized to sign (Optional
(Copy of the commercial registration (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
( Copy of the municipality's license (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the establishment card (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(Copy of the lease contract (In Case Of Renew Or Re-issue Request
(The decision to establish the company (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
(Disclosure of the heads of the Board of Directors (In Case Of facility is a government entity or a public utility company
This service allows licensed media organizations to submit an online request to obtain a license to create a special press card for journalists, through the e-services portal of the Ministry of Culture
Duration of the license: one year
License Issuance : 100 Qatari Ryal
License Renewal : 100 Qatari Ryal
Edit License Data : No Fees needed
License Cancel : No Fees needed
. The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
. Submission is available for Companies or through an authorized signatory
.The company must have a valid license to publish a press publication or a media services office
A copy of the identity card of the license holder
A personal photo of the license holder
A letter directed to the director of administration by the media institution
(A copy of the previous press card (In Case Of Renew Request
( Certificate of proof of authorization to sign in case of entering as a delegate or authorized signatory. (optional
Other attachments if there are any additional attachments
This service allows licensed media organizations to submit an online application to obtain a license to print an external publication in Qatar, through the e-services portal of the Ministry of Culture in accordance with Law No. (8) of 1979 regarding
.publications and publishing
Duration of the license: one year
License Issuance : 1000 Qatari Ryal
License Renewal : 1000 Qatari Ryal
Edit License Data : No Fees needed
LicenseTransfer ownership : No Fees needed
License Cancel : No Fees needed
. The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
. Submission is available for Companies or through an authorized signatory
The company must have a valid license for advertising and public relations activities
(A copy of the identity card of the license holder. (optional
(A copy of the commercial register. (optional
( A book in the name of the director of the department. (optional
( Certificate of proof of authorization to sign in case of entering as a delegate or authorized signatory. (optional
Other attachments if there are any additional attachments
This service allows holders of advertising and public relations activities licenses to submit a request for approval to issue a promotional and advertisement flyer, via the e-services portal of the Ministry of Culture in accordance with
Law No. (8) Of 1979 regarding publications and publishing
License Duration: Six month
Issuance : 200 ryal Qatari
Add new Issuance : 200 ryal Qatari
Edit Approval Data : No Fees needed
Cancel Approval : No Fees needed
The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
Submission is available for Companies or through an authorized signatory
The company must have a valid license for advertising activity and public relations
QID Scan
Commercial Registration Image
Rehearsal of the version
(Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a representative or authorized to sign (optional
Other attachments if there are any additional attachments
This service allows holders of advertising and public relations activities licenses to submit a request for approval to issue Issuing promotional and advertising guide, via the e-services portal of the Ministry of Culture in accordance with
Law No. (8) Of 1979 regarding publications and publishing
License Duration: Six month
Issuance : 200 ryal Qatari
Add new Issuance : 200 ryal Qatari
Edit Approval Data : No Fees needed
Cancel Approval : No Fees needed
The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
Submission is available for Companies or through an authorized signatory
The company must have a valid license for advertising activity and public relations
QID Scan
Commercial Registration Image
Rehearsal of the version
(Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a representative or authorized to sign (optional
Other attachments if there are any additional attachments
This service allows holders of advertising and public relations activities licenses to submit a request for approval to Issue an advertising brochure, via the e-services portal of the Ministry of Culture , in accordance with
Law No. (8) Of 1979 regarding publications and publishing.
License Duration: Six month
Issuance : 200 ryal Qatari
Add new Issuance : 200 ryal Qatari
Edit Approval Data : No Fees needed
Cancel Approval : No Fees needed
The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
Submission is available for Companies or through an authorized signatory
The company must have a valid license for advertising activity and public relations
QID Scan
Commercial Registration Image
Rehearsal of the version
(Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a representative or authorized to sign (optional
Other attachments if there are any additional attachments
This service allows Qatari companies and individuals to submit a request online, on the portal of the Ministry of Culture , to obtain a license for television shooting and filming
No Fees needed
The application is available for individuals who must be Qatari
Submission is available for companies or through an authorized signatory (provided that the company holds a valid technical production license
Submission is available to government agencies or through one of those authorized to sign (provided that the company holds a valid technical production license
Submission is available for institutions or through one of those authorized to sign (provided that the company holds a valid artistic production license
Submission is available for hotels or through one of the authorized signatories (provided that the company holds a valid artistic production license
:Main Attachments
A copy of the applicant's ID card
A valid art production license facility
A letter addressed to the Director of Publications and Artistic Works Department
The commercial registration of the company
(Letter of assignment to the artistic production company (optional
(Established registration (optional
Please download the attachments above in PDF format
Other attachments if there are additional attachments
:Attachments for land, marine, or release photography
(The dates for the ground photography are attached (required in the case of land or sea photography
(Shooting location approval facility (optional
( Attached is the approval of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (required if there are live broadcast devices
(Attached the ID card / passport of the work team (required in the case of land or sea photography
(A disclosure facility for the devices and equipment used in filming (required in sea and Release
A letter from the production company supervising photography to the Director of Publications and Artistic Works Department
((required in the case of the device outside Qatar
(A copy of the equipment bill of lading is attached (required in case the device is outside Qatar
Please download the attachments above in PDF format
:Attachments for land, marine, or release photography
(Aerial photography dates attached (required
(Location approval attachment (required
(Attached are maps of the shooting locations (required
(Attached the ID card / passport of the work team (required
(Attached the ID card of the pilot of the aircraft (required in case of a drone type
(Attachment of the pilot's driver’s license (required in case of a drone type
Attached a photo of the plane
Attached to the location map of the flight zone
Flying Area Outline Attachment
A picture from the photography camera is attached
The application is available for individuals who must be Qatari
Submission is available for companies, schools, institutions and universities, or through one of those authorized to sign - (provided that the company has a valid license or within the grace period of two months from the date of the license's expiration date from the licenses section at the Department of Publications and
(Artistic Works
Other attachments if there are any additional attachments
The application is available for individuals who must be Qatari
Submission is available for companies, schools, institutions and universities, or through one of those authorized to sign - (provided that the company has a valid license or within the grace period of two months from the date of the license's expiration date from the licenses section at the Department of Publications and
(Artistic Works
Other attachments if there are any additional attachments
The application is available for individuals who must be Qatari.
Submission is available for companies, schools, institutions and universities, or through one of those authorized to sign - (provided that the company has a valid license or within the grace period of two months from the date of the license's expiration date from the licenses section at the Department of Publications and
(Artistic Works
Other attachments if there are any additional attachments
The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatar
Submission is available for companies, government agencies, schools and universities, or through one of those authorized to sign - (provided that the company has a valid license or within a two-month grace period from the date of the license's expiration date
(from the licenses section at the Department of Publications and Artistic Works
(Reveal of books / periodicals (optional
(A list of customs release books (optional
Other attachments if there are additional attachments
The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
Submission is available for companies or through one of those authorized to sign - (provided that the company has a valid license or within the grace period of two months from the date of the license's expiration date from the licenses section at the Department of Publications and Artistic Works
(A letter in the name of the director of the department (optional
Other attachments if there are additional attachments
The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
Submission is available for companies or through one of those authorized to sign - (provided that the company has a valid license or within the grace period of two months from the date of the license's expiration date from the licenses section at the Department of Publications and Artistic Works
(A letter in the name of the director of the department (optional
(Film Poster (Optional
Other attachments if there are additional attachments
This service, provided by Ministry of Culture allows companies to submit a request online to request a license to organize an artistic show to perform the kinetic arts, which are folk games, operas, ballet, martial arts, circus, and light game
No Fees needed
The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
Submission is available for Companies or through an authorized signatory
(Add at least one attachment (required
Owner QID Scan
Certificate of preservation of a trade name
Commercial Registration Image
A copy of the establishment card
Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a representative or authorized to sign
Other attachments if there are any additional attachments
This service enables companies to submit an online request to register a musical education activity, such as playing musical instruments
No Fees needed
The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
Submission is available for Companies or through an authorized signatory
(Add at least one attachment (required
Owner QID Scan
Certificate of preservation of a trade name
Commercial Registration Image
A copy of the establishment card
Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a representative or authorized to sign
Other attachments if there are any additional attachments
This service allows companies to submit a request online for the activity of preparing and organizing concerts and public artistic events, through the government services portal of the Ministry of Culture and Sports
No Fees needed
The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
Submission is available for Companies or through an authorized signatory
(Add at least one attachment (required
Owner QID Scan
Certificate of preservation of a trade name
Commercial Registration Image
A copy of the establishment card
Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a representative or authorized to sign
Other attachments if there are any additional attachments
This service enables technical and cultural consulting offices to submit a request online to obtain cultural and informational guidance through the e-services portal of the Ministry of Culture
No Fees needed
The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
Submission is available for Companies or through an authorized signatory
(Add at least one attachment (required
Owner QID Scan
Certificate of preservation of a trade name
Commercial Registration Image
A copy of the establishment card
Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a representative or authorized to sign
Other attachments if there are any additional attachments
This service enables companies to submit an online request to register a musical education activity, such as playing musical instrument
No Fees needed
The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
Submission is available for Companies or through an authorized signatory
(Add at least one attachment (required
Owner QID Scan
Certificate of preservation of a trade name
Commercial Registration Image
A copy of the establishment card
Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a representative or authorized to sign
Other attachments if there are any additional attachments
This service allows individuals and companies to submit a request online to host and organize artistic shows and cultural activities, through the government services portal of the Ministry of Culture
Issuance of the license: to be determined by the concerned department
Update license data: to be determined by the concerned department
Application is open to individuals of all nationalities, Qatari and non-Qatari
Submission is available for companies, government agencies, embassies, hotels and restaurants, or through one of those authorized to sign
(Add at least one attachment (required
Owner QID Scan
Commercial Registration Image
A copy of the establishment card
Authorization book
A copy of the identity card of the band members
Acknowledgment and pledge
Civil defense approval
Tourism permit
Security systems permit
Other attachments if there are any additional attachments
This service allows Qatari companies and individuals to submit an application online, on the online portal of the Ministry of Culture to obtain a Radio Channel (FM) license
License Duration: 3 year
License Issuance : 30.000 QR
License Renewal : 30.000 QR
Edit License Data : No Fees needed
Cancel License : No Fees needed
The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
Submission is available for Organizations or through an authorized signatory
The channel manager must be a Qatari citizen
A letter in the name of the director of the department
A study of the channel
A copy of the ID card of at least one partner in case there are partners
(A copy of the ID of the license holder and channel manager (optional
(Copy of the commercial register (optional
(A copy of the membership of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Qatar (optional
Other attachments if there are additional attachments
(Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a representative or authorized to sign (optional
Other attachments if there are additional attachments
Acknowledgment and undertaking in the case of initial approval of the application
A copy of the initial approval with the approval of other authorities in the case of initial approval of the application
This service allows Qatari companies and individuals to submit an application online, on the online portal of the Ministry of Culture, to obtain a Digital Broadcasting Channel license
License Duration: 3 year
License Issuance : 30.000 QR
License Renewal : 30.000 QR
Edit License Data : No Fees needed
Cancel License : No Fees needed
The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
Submission is available for Organizations or through an authorized signatory
The channel manager must be a Qatari citizen
A letter in the name of the director of the department
A study of the channel
A copy of the ID card of at least one partner in case there are partners
(A copy of the ID of the license holder and channel manager (optional
(Copy of the commercial register (optional
(A copy of the membership of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Qatar (optional
Other attachments if there are additional attachments
(Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a representative or authorized to sign (optional
Other attachments if there are additional attachments
Acknowledgment and undertaking in the case of initial approval of the application
A copy of the initial approval with the approval of other authorities in the case of initial approval of the application
This service allows Qatari companies and individuals to submit an application online, on the online portal of the Ministry of Culture to obtain a TV Channel license
License Duration: 3 year
License Issuance : 150,000 QR
License Renewal : 150,000 QR
Edit License Data : No Fees needed
Cancel License : No Fees needed
The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
Submission is available for Organizations or through an authorized signatory
The channel manager must be a Qatari citizen
A letter in the name of the director of the department
A study of the channel
A copy of the ID card of at least one partner in case there are partners
(A copy of the ID of the license holder and channel manager (optional
(Copy of the commercial register (optional
(A copy of the membership of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Qatar (optional
Other attachments if there are additional attachments
(Certificate of proof of authorization to sign, in case of entering as a representative or authorized to sign (optional
Other attachments if there are additional attachments
Acknowledgment and undertaking in the case of initial approval of the application
A copy of the initial approval with the approval of other authorities in the case of initial approval of the application
This service allows Qatari citizens and companies and authorities to apply online to obtain Public Library Permit Request - Private Property, through the e-services portal of the Ministry of Culture and Sport .Duration of the license: one year
No Fees needed
.The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
.Submission is available for Companies or authorities or through an authorized signatory
. A copy of the applicant's ID card
. Attached are the library policies for provisioning, lending, and fees
. The identity card of the founder is attached in case the founder is personal
. Attached is a certificate of good conduct in case of the founder
.An establishment registration card is attached in the case of the founder, an organization or company
. Attached is a copy of the under establishment
.A copy of the lease contract is attached
(Books list attached. (Optional
(Attached are the names of the library employees. (Optional
Other attachments if there are any additional attachments
Approval granted to publishing houses licensed to print and publish a local book in the country
No Fees needed
The application is available for Individuals who must be Qatari
-Submission is available for companies in the event that the type of issue is (publisher) or through one of the authorized signatories
(provided that the status of the company's license is valid)
Submission is available to government agencies if the type of issue is (ministerial) or through one of those authorized to sign
The administration delivered 2 pieces of the paper book material in the form of a numbered binding with a copy of the book cover within one working day
Copy of the author's card in case the author is local
A contract for printing and publishing the book in case of an external author
An electronic copy of the book - Each copy is marked with its number ( copy 2 and so on)
(A copy of the applicant's card (optional
( Commercial registration of the publishing house (optional
(A copy of the facility registration card for the publishing house or government agency (optional
( Book cover photo (optional
This service allows Qatari individuals and companies to submit a request electronically, on the Ministry of Culture’s electronic portal, to obtain approval to delete the activity code from the commercial registry
No Fees needed
Application is available for individuals who must be of Qatari nationality
Application is available to companies or through an authorized signatory
Submission is available to government agencies or through an authorized signatory
A copy of the ID card of the license holder and his partners. (required)
A copy of the commercial register. (required)
Additional attachments if there are other attachments