The Muaither SC held its RGA yesterday evening and announced that Saleh Al-Ajji wins as the president of the club and Saleh Al-Yazidi as the Vice President for the new elections round 2020/2024. This was announced in the presence of 24 of 41 members who were keen to attend the GA and enrich it with discussion, submitting proposals, asking questions and inquiries in a democratic atmosphere which confirmed that Muaither members are keen on their unity and interest of the club’s affairs and development.
The Muaither SC closed nomination by submitting Saleh Al-Ajji’s list only for the new round, as no other list was submitted for the elections.
The Muaither SC’s GA reviewed the multiple achievements accomplished and received commendation and thanks from the GA members to the management for their efforts exerted or which is currently being exerted in order to achieve the goal of being in the first class. GA members also commended the Club’s keenness to apply the principle of social responsibility and present generations of talented people.
At the beginning of the GA, Saleh Al-Ajji, president of the club announced that the Club expresses its great appreciation for the State’s efforts in fighting the Corona epidemic and limiting its spread in addition to the significant role of the medical Staff. The President of the club announced the initiative to honor the medical staff with a symbolic gift bearing the club’s logo, and kindly handed out by Al-Bareq and Muhammad Mohsen Al-Ajji, members of the club’s GA.

Saleh Al-Ajji, president of the club, informed GA members, via the monitors, of the efforts being made on the ground of the investment projects currently underway, which were well received by the club members, as part of the search for financial and other resources that help the club to conduct various activities.
Saleh Al-Ajji said that the youth sectors present distinguished talents in Muaither club, and they have 6 players in the national teams and others who transferred from Muaither to Al-Sadd and Al-Rayyan for the benefit of the club. He further indicated that the first team seeks to achieve the dream of ascending to the first division through third-class matches.