Qatar Poetry Center held a poetry evening of eloquent poetry, attended by H. E. Sheikh Abdulrahman bin Hamad Al Thani, Minister of Culture in which poets participate including Abdulrahman : Abdulrahman Al Dulaimi , Mohammad Yassin, and Radhi Al-Hajri, run by media man Atta Mohammad and during that poetry evening  the poets delivered  a group of different poems including national poems.

For his part,  the Director of the Qatar Poetry Center “Diwan Al-Arab” poet Shabib bin Arar Al Nuaimi said that the participation of the Qatar Poetry Center in the National Day activities at Darb Al Saai aims to spread the spirit of values and morals and enhance the national identity, through literature and through the distinguished poems presented by poets, noting that the center will hold a series of poetry evenings starting with eloquent poetry evening in which poets: Radi Al Hajri, Abdulrahman Al Dulaimi and Mohammed Saleh Yassin participated in.

He added that Diwan Al-Arab Center based in all its vents on the value system, and therefore poems that present positive values in society, especially for young people, are presented, pointing out that the Center will present 6 poetry evenings over the days of Darb Al-Saai until next December 18, in addition to a seminar that talks about poetry, the role of poets in society, in which a group of senior poets in society will participate.

Regarding the participation of the Qatar Poetry Center in the House of Poetry in Darb Al-Saai, the poet Shabib bin Arar Al-Nuaimi explained that Center presents the popular heritage in The House of Poetry, through the narrator event which shows the popular heritage in poetry and stories and Qatari novels, and reminds of Qatari poets, especially the late ones. The center also presents a poetic riddles competition to the public, in which the winners are awarded valuable prizes, besides the completing the rhyme competition, which is held alternately with the narrator day by day.

The poet Abd al-Rahman al-Dulaimi addressed the enhancement of the importance of the classical Arabic language, and the role of the poet in that, noting that the Arabic language is an important civilizational aspect for its people, we have no leverage other than this language in which include our conscience, origin and religious heritage explaining that poets must preserve this language because poetry is an art immortalizes the language in one way or another, and all poets are interested in this language, and keen to show its arts in its national scenes and major forums, and the language is one of the most important things by which nations are built.

For his part, poet Mohammed Yassin said: “Arabic is a receptacle in which all whatever is needed to be transferred will be put in. And here manifests the human ability to communicate with other, noting that the importance of the cultural inventory befitting this receptacle, in particular the people of Arabic language who are distinguished by the people of the earth. We should use such platforms as the Darb Al-Saai and the World Cup to pass the language and our morals to others. The language is deemed much wider than the concept of the language itself.

In the poet Radhi Al-Hajri deems the  language is the  first thing to emerge in the homelands since language is considered the means of communication between peoples, and that in our Arabic we are and remain as it is the language from which the dialects derive.