The Ministry of Culture’s Media Center for Youth organized a celebration to honor young radio presenters who had recently worked at the center to develop video content. The celebration was an effort by the center to maintain relationships with young Qatari media talents trained over the years. The theme of the celebration was “Always at the Forefront.”

Several of the honored presenters gave speeches during the celebration, and many of them emphasized that working with the center was the starting point for their media careers. They also appreciated how the center helped them understand the critical role of media and its impact on society. They thanked the center and its director, Jawahir Al-Badr, for the opportunity to train and develop their professional skills.

Jawahir Al-Badr, Director of the Media Center, commented that the celebration was part of the center’s efforts to maintain contact with its alumni, including those who continue to work at the center and others who have independent careers.

Al-Badr lauded the many young media professionals who received their training at the center and continued as newscasters, presenting the center’s weekly news bulletins, or who participated in the media coverage of the center’s events of the previous year. She added that the center has an ambitious plan for this year. This will serve the Ministry of Culture’s efforts to provide training for young Qatari media professionals who will lead Qatar’s media apparatus in the future. Last year, the center offered a series of educational programs for young journalists and provided internships for many of them. The center also organized several media events that illustrated an important point in its continuing service.