The Qatari Forum for Authors held a new session of the “Critics and Nearby” initiative at the Doha event, the Islamic World’s Capital of Culture 2021.


The session reviewed the great Arab critic Dr. Ibrahim Sahrawi’s career in translation and literary criticism, entitled “Contemporary critical issues: between culture, philosophy and translation


Dr. Abdelhak Belabed, Professor of Literature Issues, Critical and Comparative Studies Courses, promoted the guest career of the nearly 40 years of Arab literary, cognitive and cultural production, until he was referred to as one of the symbols of this academic field in the region and the world.


Dr. Belabed said: Dr. Sahrawi, Professor of Arabic Language and Literature at the University of Algeria 2, member of the Scientific Council of the University, Scholar of the University’s Journal of Ideas and Perspectives, supervised numerous scientific committees, participated in scientific and international conferences and seminars, and had important articles in critical cases in strict Arab periodicals. He pointed out that dr. Sahrawi received two prestigious Arab awards, the Al Owaidat Awards from Lebanon in 2020 and the Ibn Khaldun-Singur Translation Prize in the humanities for his translation of the book “Philosophies of our Time” from the Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science “ALESCO” in collaboration with the International Organization of la Francophonie.

Dr. Ibrahim Sahrawi began his speech during the “teleconference” session that was broadcasted on the Qatar Authors’ Forum channel by saying that his monetary career was normal – as he described it. He continued saying that At the beginning of his academic career, he sought various critical achievements, saying in this context that “I have been reading critical experiences, since I was a student at the University in Algeria, and I have continued in the same path at the University of Paris III.


He added: I have been really keen to study regional issues and to understand and be aware of many new cross-cutting programs with a strong focus in terms of semiotics and structuralism, pointing  out that it has been planned and scheduled for them to read the studies and the production of senior professors in the field of international literary criticism, and that the narrative presentations by these professors, in their entirety, were beautiful and interesting, different from the criticism they had in the secondary and licentiate stages.