A youth forum organized by the Youth Affairs Department of the Ministry of Culture and Sports under the banner “With its youth, it elevates” continued its activities for the second day in a row.
The activities were numerous, varied and complementary to the events of the first day and witnessed the participation of various youth centres and clubs. The events are scheduled to continue until next Thursday.
As a continuation of the event of “Give Me Your Experience” organized by the Department of Youth Affairs, more distinctive experiences were presented, including the “Organization and Time” experience of Jawahar Al-Maraghi.
Heba Al-Raisi talked about “volunteer work”, while the third event was exciting by bringing generations together, it was represented by Youssef and Abdul Rahman Al-Sunaidi’s activity on collecting electronic artifacts.
The Qatar Scientific Club continued to present its distinguished workshops, such as “Robot Work and Artificial Intelligence”, presented by Abdullah Al-Nasr. For the second day in a row, Engineer Nasser Al-Mughaisib continued to present the “Engineering Your Life” workshop, which complemented his presentation on the first day of the event and focused on how to refine the experiences and abilities of young people, help them to define their goals in life and deal with all the roles they play in life.
On the subject of the workshop, and with the aim of doing so, Engineer Nasser Al- Mughaisib said to “Al- Arab” : The courses and meetings are of great importance because they directed the youth to acquire new skills and adapt to the situation and considered such remote meetings and events to be central to the process of youth development and skills development under current conditions where direct events and outreach are difficult to organize, He pointed out that alternatives were available and solutions were found, especially after social media revolutionized the field of communication, facilitating holding meetings and events and creating new and more innovative ways to attract the masses. This has made it imperative for our institutions to keep pace with this development, as one of the most important trends in this field is changing the concepts of organizing, implementing and managing events on various means of communication.
He added, “It does not matter how big or small the event is, in the presence of a good plan and appropriate strategy, each event can achieve the desired success, and despite the tough conditions the world is facing due to Corona Virus, and despite its harshness, it has contributed to expanding the education process further, as education has become not subject to neither geographical borders nor Time limits, which contributed to the expansion of the segment of beneficiaries.
furthermore, Al- Mughaisib added: The online or virtual courses contributed to the development of the trainers’ performance before the recipients, and the coach became required to deliver the same messages, present the courses from behind the screens, and adopt new methods of explanation to ensure the maximum benefit to the recipients.
The engineer said, about “engineering your life” workshop: the workshop was divided into three days of the forum. The interactive aspects concentrate on refining and developing the capabilities of young people and enabling them to define their life goals, And the skill of writing the life line in all areas, in addition to the skill of organizing time and launching a life project.
He added: we seek through “engineering your life” workshop to empower business owners and young people, and work on developing their capabilities and widening their horizons and helping them in planning to achieve their goals and ambitions in their lives and to work on achieving them. He noted that the workshop included many axes about the individual’s self-knowledge and the way it is organized, the strengths and weaknesses by organizing the time and opportunities available to launch the life project.
He said, “Through the 3-day training course, I am trying to provide support to our youth to familiarize them with organizing and engineering their lives.
We aim to shed light on the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities available, identifying and classifying objectives and how to achieve them. The meeting also included discussions that had an impact on achieving the objectives of the workshop.”
Competitions and awards
The competitions were held on the second day of a forum for virtual support. It was organized by Al Dana Center for Girls. It focused on the topic of domestic tourism by asking various questions in this field.
Meanwhile, Al-Kaaban Youth Center and Al-Wijdan cultural Center presented a new competition on the value of “science” within the concept of the Qatari national identity.
The Youth Affairs Department of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, in cooperation with Al- Wejdan cultural Center, presented a representative scene titled “I only make you see what I see.”
The administration continued on providing a number of awareness videos about the Qatari Shura Council, which focused on the need to participate in these elections and to choose on the basis of competence.
The Department of Youth Affairs also presented a number of videos related to the department’s work and what it offers, in addition to other videos about the National Day of the State of Qatar.
Mr. Nasser Al-Jabri, Head of the Youth Action Organization and Development Department, expressed his satisfaction with the progress of the forum’s activities. He said: in It came in proportion to the nature of the stage, and that such events serve as an opportunity to present many events and workshops for the youth of different age groups, because of their importance in investing their time.” in a perfect way.
Al-Jabri stressed that there was good interaction on the part of young people of different age groups to participate in events, “prompting us to think seriously about repeating the experience at other times.
“We derive our resolve from the interaction of young people with us and what we offer,” he said
the Ministry of Culture and Sports seeks, throughout the forum events to empower young people in all fields and provide them with the opportunity to demonstrate and enhance their skills and develop their diverse creativity By offering and participating in workshops or even by running some talk sessions, as well as their active participation in various events and the opportunity they can offer to benefit and develop.
The Virtual Youth Forum event, which began last Sunday, is a targeted youth platform that seeks to offer young people the opportunity to benefit from training courses and gain skills and knowledge through interactive and discussion sessions through social media platforms.
Sessions of discussions and workshops
Sessions, workshops and events continue today, Tuesday. The third day of the Forum is known as the presentation of 4 workshops. The first is a discussion session organized by the Behavioral Health Support Centre, entitled Deviation between thought and behavior, presented by Dr. Hudson. Khalid Al – Muhanadi.
The briefing session will be conducted by Khalid Al- Muhanadi, followed by a workshop on creative thinking by the trainer and Doha Al-Athba, followed by the “Engineering Your Life” training program for Engineer Nasser Al-Mughaisib, to conclude the activities of the third day of the forum with a workshop entitled “Young Reporters” presented by Coach Ahmed Yousef Al-Malki, Training workshops and courses are interspersed with music clips and awareness videos, as well as a recreational competition program.